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True Expressions

Unleashing the Throat Chakra: Breathing, Sound, and Gemstone Practices

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is the center of communication, self-expression, and truth. Located in the throat area, this chakra governs our ability to speak our truth, express ourselves clearly, and listen to others with understanding. When the Throat Chakra is balanced, we feel confident in our communication and are able to express our thoughts and emotions freely. However, when it is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience difficulties in expressing ourselves, fear of speaking up, or misunderstandings in communication. To harmonize this essential energy center, we can use specific breathing techniques, sound or chanting, and powerful gemstones like Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, and Aquamarine.

1. Breathing Techniques to Activate and Balance the Throat Chakra

Breathing exercises can help to open and energize the Throat Chakra, enabling clearer communication and self-expression.

Ujjayi Breath (Ocean Breath):

  • Sit comfortably: Find a seated position with your spine straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.

  • Engage the throat: As you inhale deeply through your nose, slightly constrict the back of your throat to create a soft "ocean wave" sound. Exhale slowly through your nose, maintaining the throat constriction.

  • Focus on the throat: Visualize a blue light in your throat area, expanding with each breath. Practice this breath for 5-10 minutes to stimulate and balance the Throat Chakra, promoting clarity in communication.

Lion's Breath (Simhasana):

  • Kneel down: Sit back on your heels with your knees apart and place your hands on your thighs.

  • Inhale deeply: Take a deep breath in through your nose, then open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and exhale forcefully with a loud "ha" sound, as if you're roaring like a lion.

  • Release tension: This breath helps to release tension in the throat area, freeing up blocked energy and encouraging self-expression. Repeat several times, focusing on releasing any fears of speaking up.

2. Sound and Chanting to Empower the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra resonates with the sound "HAM," which can be used in chanting to open and balance this chakra.

Chanting "HAM":

  • Find your space: Sit in a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

  • Chant "HAM": As you exhale, chant the sound "HAM" with a steady, resonant tone. Feel the vibration in your throat, where the Throat Chakra is located. Repeat this chant for several minutes, allowing the sound to resonate deeply, clearing any blockages and empowering your voice.

Using a Tuning Fork:

  • Choose a tuning fork: A tuning fork tuned to the frequency of the Throat Chakra can be an effective tool. Strike the fork and hold it near your throat, allowing the vibrations to permeate this energy center, encouraging clear communication and self-expression.

3. Gemstones to Support and Strengthen the Throat Chakra

Gemstones are powerful tools for enhancing and balancing the Throat Chakra. Here are four potent stones to work with:

Blue Sapphire:

  • Properties: Blue Sapphire is known for its ability to promote wisdom, integrity, and clear communication. It helps to align your thoughts and words with your true purpose.

  • Usage: Place a Blue Sapphire on your Throat Chakra during meditation or wear it as jewelry to keep its empowering energy close, supporting you in speaking your truth.

Lapis Lazuli:

  • Properties: Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth, self-awareness, and spiritual insight. It enhances your ability to communicate your innermost thoughts and feelings with confidence.

  • Usage: Meditate with a Lapis Lazuli by holding it in your hand or placing it near your throat to absorb its enlightening vibrations, promoting honest and clear communication.


  • Properties: Sodalite brings mental clarity, emotional balance, and enhances communication. It helps to clear confusion and encourages rational thinking, making it easier to articulate your ideas.

  • Usage: Carry a Sodalite in your pocket, wear it as a pendant, or place it on your Throat Chakra during meditation to harness its harmonizing energy, facilitating effective communication.


  • Properties: Aquamarine is a calming stone that soothes the Throat Chakra, promoting clear, compassionate communication. It encourages you to speak from the heart and listen with empathy.

  • Usage: Wear Aquamarine as jewelry or meditate with it on your Throat Chakra to infuse your energy field with calm, clear, and compassionate communication.


Balancing your Throat Chakra is essential for clear communication, self-expression, and living your truth. By incorporating these breathing techniques, chanting practices, and powerful gemstones into your daily routine, you can activate and harmonize your Throat Chakra, allowing you to express yourself with clarity and confidence. As you nurture this energy center, you'll find yourself more capable of speaking your truth, communicating effectively, and listening with empathy. Remember, the journey to authentic self-expression begins with embracing your voice and allowing it to shine through in all that you do.

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