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Reflections on Politics and My role

Updated: Jul 22

Navigating Toxicity and Maintaining Compassion

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions:

  • Recognize your immediate emotional response to distressing news. It's natural to feel a range of emotions, from fear and sadness to anger and frustration.

  • Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment. They are valid and important to acknowledge.

2. Center Yourself:

  • Take a moment to breathe deeply and center yourself. Return to your heart space and focus on grounding your energy.

  • Engage in practices that help you reconnect with your inner peace, such as meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises.

3. Reflect on Positionality:

  • Understand your own positionality and why you hold certain beliefs. Reflect on how your experiences shape your perspective.

  • Recognize that others have different positionalities based on their unique experiences and backgrounds.

4. Embrace Open Dialogue:

  • Foster a mindset of curiosity rather than judgment. Approach conversations with a willingness to listen and understand, even when you disagree.

  • Ask open-ended questions to invite others to share their perspectives. For example, "Can you help me understand why you feel that way?"

5. Focus on Shared Goals:

  • Identify common goals and values that you share with others, even if your methods differ. Emphasize the importance of working together towards these shared objectives.

  • Highlight the significance of the means by which goals are achieved, not just the end result. Ethical and compassionate approaches are crucial.

6. Practice Compassionate Communication:

  • Use "I" statements to express your feelings and perspectives without blaming or attacking others. For example, "I feel concerned when I hear about violence because I value safety and peace."

  • Validate others' feelings and experiences, showing empathy and understanding. This can help de-escalate tension and build rapport.

7. Create Safe Spaces:

  • Foster environments where open dialogue and respectful disagreement are encouraged. This can be within your personal relationships, community groups, or social media interactions.

  • Set boundaries to protect your mental and emotional wellbeing. It's okay to disengage from toxic conversations or individuals when necessary.

8. Advocate for Change Mindfully:

  • Engage in advocacy and activism with mindfulness and compassion. Promote positive change through peaceful and constructive means.

  • Support organizations and initiatives that align with your values and work towards creating a more just and compassionate society.

Practical Tips:

  • Daily Check-Ins: Regularly check in with yourself and your emotions. Journaling or talking with a trusted friend can help process feelings.

  • Mindful Media Consumption: Limit exposure to distressing news and social media. Choose reliable sources and set specific times for news updates.

  • Community Support: Join or create groups focused on positive dialogue and mutual support. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who encourage open conversations.

  • Self-Care Practices: Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your mind, body, and soul. This can include exercise, creative hobbies, or spending time in nature.


In a world where divisiveness and toxicity can seem overwhelming, choosing to engage with empathy, openness, and compassion is a powerful act. By fostering respectful dialogue and focusing on shared values, we can contribute to a more understanding and connected society.

Hugs and blessings of love, mindfulness, and compassion on your journey to Be You! 🙌🙏❤️

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