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Eating Well and Choosing Health

As I was mindfully cutting up a fresh, ripe pineapple, I started musing on satiation and addiction with what I know personally. I know I can easily over indulge in baked fresh chocolate chip cookies. So I instead opt for a healthy fruit or a water kimchi. Redirecting and allowing myself to choose a better at that moment a healthy choice. By asking what is it I really want a distraction from not feeling pain or the sweetness in life?

So much of eating is to manage our emotions. Instead of feeling sadness or grief, I eat a piece of chocolate. The next time it's going to take a higher amount of chocolate to get that same emotional fix. So the rabbit hole of addiction to chocolates and sweets that are our emotional crutches.

Feeling the emotion which is energy in motion unless you suppress it, and distract yourself with whatever you use from feeling and owning yourself and power of tools to center and create safety and ease instead of a cycle of Dis Ease with ourself and our emotions.

The fleetingness of emotion is the way of processing anger and getting to the sadness and grief of the underlying hurt and pain of life. I have been hurt and rejected or the feelings of that and accepting your feelings and asking is it true? We can find evidence of acceptance and rejection. It's where do you choose to focus on. These are the musings of my mind and my recreation of my processing of my emotion. Then if you want the cookie, go for it and enjoy it as a cookie!

Food is a form of Love. I know I nourish myself in preparing food mindfully. I love to prepare food for people I love and care about. Sometimes, I can botch up the creative process. Add too little salt for most people as I use very little salt as a flavor. Instead I work on using herbs and spices to flavor my food.

Ask yourself am I eating my 3rd cookie, because I feel neglected, abandoned or unloved? A cookie or chocolate can be a substitute for love and acceptance of Self! Isn't it better to feel why we crave the cookie, chocolate or whatever cravings we are having than dissociating and feeding our hunger for love?

Hugs and blessings 🙌 🙏 of love, mindfulness and compassion on your journey to Be You 🙌 🙏 ❤️!

Mindful Eating and Emotional Awareness Guide

1. Recognize Emotional Eating:

  • Acknowledge when you turn to food to manage emotions like sadness, grief, or stress.

  • Understand that emotional eating is often a way to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings.

2. Identify True Needs:

  • Before reaching for food, ask yourself what you truly want. Is it comfort, distraction, or the sweetness of life?

  • Reflect on whether you are trying to avoid pain or seeking an emotional fix.

3. Choose Healthier Alternatives:

  • Opt for healthy choices like fruits or water kimchi when you feel the urge to indulge in sweets.

  • Redirect your cravings to nourishing options that support your wellbeing.

4. Embrace and Process Emotions:

  • Allow yourself to feel emotions rather than suppressing them. Emotions are energy in motion, and they need to be processed.

  • Recognize that fleeting emotions, such as anger, can lead to deeper feelings of sadness and grief. Accept these feelings and question their truth.

5. Focus on Positivity:

  • Choose to focus on evidence of acceptance and love rather than rejection and hurt.

  • Use positive affirmations and self-compassion to reinforce your sense of worth and acceptance.

6. Practice Mindful Preparation:

  • Nourish yourself by preparing food mindfully and with intention.

  • Enjoy the process of cooking and the act of feeding yourself and others with love.

7. Reflect on Cravings:

  • When you crave something sweet, ask yourself if it’s a substitute for love or acceptance.

  • Understand that cravings can be signals of deeper emotional needs.

8. Enjoy Treats Mindfully:

  • If you decide to have a treat, savor it mindfully and with enjoyment. Acknowledge it as a treat, not a crutch.

  • Allow yourself to enjoy food as a form of love and pleasure.

Practical Tips:

  • Mindful Moments: Take a moment before eating to breathe, feel gratitude, and center yourself.

  • Healthy Swaps: Keep healthy snacks accessible to make better choices easier.

  • Journaling: Write down your feelings and cravings to understand patterns and triggers.

  • Support System: Share your journey with friends or a support group for encouragement and accountability.

  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself if you slip up. Mindfulness is a practice, not perfection.


By embracing mindful eating and emotional awareness, you can transform your relationship with food and emotions. This guide encourages you to nourish your body and soul with intention, compassion, and love. Remember, it's not just about the food, but about understanding and honoring your true self.

Hugs and blessings of love, mindfulness, and compassion on your journey to Be You! 🙌🙏❤️

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