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Crown Yourself

Elevating the Crown Chakra: Breathing, Sound, and Gemstone Practices

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is the highest energy center, located at the top of the head. This chakra connects us to the divine, universal consciousness, and our higher self. When the Crown Chakra is balanced, we experience spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and a deep connection to the universe. However, when it is blocked or imbalanced, we may feel disconnected, spiritually lost, or mentally foggy. To open and harmonize this vital energy center, we can use specific breathing techniques, sound or chanting, and powerful gemstones like Purple Sapphire, Tanzanite, Purple Tourmaline, Rhodolites, Purple Spinel, Lavender Jade, Sugilite, and Charoite.

1. Breathing Techniques to Activate and Balance the Crown Chakra

Breathing exercises can help to open the Crown Chakra, inviting spiritual energy and clarity into our lives.

Kapalabhati Breath (Skull Shining Breath):

  • Sit comfortably: Find a seated position with your spine straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  • Quick exhalations: Begin with a forceful exhale through your nose, pulling your navel toward your spine. Follow with a passive inhale, allowing your belly to relax.

  • Continue rhythmically: Perform this rapid breathing for 1-2 minutes, focusing on the crown of your head. This practice energizes the mind and helps to clear mental fog, promoting spiritual clarity and connection.

Crown Chakra Focused Breath:

  • Get comfortable: Sit with your spine straight, eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

  • Visualize light: As you inhale deeply through your nose, visualize a brilliant white or violet light at the top of your head. Hold the breath for a moment, allowing the light to expand and fill your entire being.

  • Exhale gently: Release the breath slowly through your mouth, imagining any mental clutter dissolving away. Repeat this process for several minutes, focusing on opening and balancing the Crown Chakra.

2. Sound and Chanting to Open the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra resonates with the sound "OM," the universal sound of creation.

Chanting "OM":

  • Prepare your space: Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet space. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

  • Chant "OM": As you exhale, chant the sound "OM" with a deep, resonant tone. Feel the vibration at the top of your head, where the Crown Chakra is located. Repeat this chant for several minutes, allowing the sound to resonate deeply, opening your connection to the divine.

Using a Tibetan Singing Bowl:

  • Choose a bowl: A Tibetan singing bowl tuned to the frequency of the Crown Chakra can be a powerful tool. Play the bowl, allowing its sacred sound to resonate through your crown, helping to clear blockages and open your spiritual connection.

3. Gemstones to Support and Elevate the Crown Chakra

Gemstones are powerful allies in activating and balancing the Crown Chakra. Here are eight potent stones to work with:

Purple Sapphire:

  • Properties: Purple Sapphire is known for its ability to enhance spiritual insight, divine connection, and mental clarity. It helps to align your thoughts with higher consciousness.

  • Usage: Place a Purple Sapphire on your Crown Chakra during meditation or wear it as jewelry to keep its spiritual energy close, supporting you in accessing higher levels of awareness.


  • Properties: Tanzanite is a stone of transformation, intuition, and spiritual awakening. It helps to align the mind with the higher self and access inner wisdom.

  • Usage: Meditate with Tanzanite by holding it in your hand or placing it near your Crown Chakra to absorb its transformative energy, enhancing your connection to the divine.

Purple Tourmaline:

  • Properties: Purple Tourmaline is a stone of spiritual purification, healing, and protection. It helps to clear and open the Crown Chakra, allowing divine energy to flow freely.

  • Usage: Carry Purple Tourmaline in your pocket, wear it as a pendant, or place it on your Crown Chakra during meditation to harness its purifying energy, promoting spiritual clarity.


  • Properties: Rhodolites are known for their ability to enhance spiritual growth, intuition, and self-awareness. They help to clear mental fog and align the mind with higher consciousness.

  • Usage: Wear Rhodolites as jewelry or meditate with them on your Crown Chakra to infuse your energy field with spiritual insight and clarity.

Purple Spinel:

  • Properties: Purple Spinel is a stone of spiritual power, clarity, and inner peace. It helps to open the Crown Chakra, promoting a deep connection to the divine.

  • Usage: Meditate with Purple Spinel by holding it in your hand or placing it near your Crown Chakra to absorb its powerful energy, enhancing your spiritual connection.

Lavender Jade:

  • Properties: Lavender Jade is a stone of serenity, spiritual wisdom, and protection. It helps to calm the mind and open the Crown Chakra to higher guidance.

  • Usage: Carry Lavender Jade in your pocket, wear it as jewelry, or place it on your Crown Chakra during meditation to harness its calming energy, promoting spiritual awareness.


  • Properties: Sugilite is a stone of divine love, spiritual protection, and enlightenment. It helps to open and balance the Crown Chakra, allowing divine energy to flow freely.

  • Usage: Wear Sugilite as jewelry or meditate with it on your Crown Chakra to infuse your energy field with divine love and spiritual clarity.


  • Properties: Charoite is a stone of transformation, spiritual insight, and connection to higher realms. It helps to clear blockages and open the Crown Chakra to divine guidance.

  • Usage: Meditate with Charoite by holding it in your hand or placing it near your Crown Chakra to absorb its transformative energy, enhancing your connection to the divine.


Balancing your Crown Chakra is essential for spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and a deep connection to the universe. By incorporating these breathing techniques, chanting practices, and powerful gemstones into your daily routine, you can activate and harmonize your Crown Chakra, allowing you to access higher levels of consciousness and connect with your divine self. As you nurture this energy center, you'll find yourself more capable of living in alignment with your spiritual purpose, experiencing profound inner peace, and connecting deeply with the universe. Remember, the journey to spiritual enlightenment begins with opening your Crown Chakra and embracing the divine wisdom that flows through you.

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